Department of Religious Education
The area of Religious Education is oriented to the documented knowledge of the religious beliefs and experiences that the human being has developed throughout its history. Following the institutional educational project, which does not imply a fundamentalist or proselytizing attitude towards the questions and concerns of the students, but on the contrary, a dialogical and understanding attitude.
The area of Ethics education and human values for its part, it makes it possible to ask questions that provoke students, inquire, discuss and reflect on events of the historical present, chair of peace, and philosophical and axiological assumptions, leading them to significant knowledge.

The process of growth and human development of students, through the creation of spaces for doctrinal reflection (ethical-existential).

Seeking to demonstrate in the students the experience of their own values and principles.

The young person before reality, from the reading of pretexts, texts and contexts, and interpretation in the light of theoretical frameworks (biblical-theological).
Student Profile in the Area
Discover the love of God, as a significant experience through its natural, family, school, cultural environment manifested in its religiosity.