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Institutional Documents ...

Coexistence manual:

The objective of the Coexistence Manual is to establish the general guidelines and the set of orientations within which the institutional profiles, duties, rights and norms that guide the attitudes and actions of the members of the educational community are established, with the clear objective and It is necessary to comply with the current legal regulations and likewise, apply the PEI that governs the school institution of the Abriendo Caminos Educational Center.

PEI Proyecto Educativo Institucional

SIEE Sistema Institucional de Evaluación Estudiantil

Child Protection Policy:

Politics  Data Processing:

School Accident Policy:

Política de Uniformes:

Resolución de  Costos 2024:

Resolución Aprobación Preescolar, Básica Primaria y Secundaria:

Resolución Personería  Jurídica ICBF (Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar):

Use Policy for Mobile Devices:

Guide  Virtual Classroom Entry and


Entry Guide to Control Academic:

Guide for Payments and Collections:

Guide for Parents Online College:

Online College Policy:

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