Speech Therapy

Hearing exams at an early age are important to avoid delays in language development due to system failures.
Having hearing problems in ages between 0 and 5 years, generates speech, language and learning problems. In later ages, using musical devices at high volumes can damage hearing.
In Colombia, hearing loss problems are mainly associated with exposure to noise from players near the ear, traffic, alcohol, medications and drugs, reveals the Ministry of Health.
Oral hygiene
Healthy teeth are important to a child's overall health. From the moment of birth, there are things that can be done to promote healthy teeth and prevent cavities In babies, teeth should be cleaned with a clean, soft cloth or a baby toothbrush. Avoid putting your child to bed with a bottle and check his teeth regularly for stains.
In all children:
Begin using a small amount of fluoride toothpaste at two years of age. The doctor may recommend starting earlier
Offer healthy foods and limit snacks and sweet drinks
Schedule regular visits to the dentist
Forming good eating habits at an early age can help your child have healthy teeth for life.